Herzánovi Winery


Herzánovi Winery
Rosé wine
Frankovka (Lemberger)
Velké Pavlovice
Wines of certified origin (VOC)

About winemaker

The Herzán family winery, located in the wine-growing village of Kobylí, has been making wine since time immemorial as a way of supplementing employment. The father Bronislav and his wife Šárka passed their hobby on to their children Zuzana and Jakub. Over time, grape growing and wine production became a family passion, a hobby and eventually the main work activity. The Herzáns planted their first quality vineyard on their own land in 1996. Since then, they have gradually expanded the area and are now farming in the spirit of integrated production on about 3 hectares of average 15-year-old vineyards. Another breakthrough came in 2007, when the Herzáns switched from barrel wine production to high-quality bottled production. Today, production is around 15,000 bottles a year. The grapes for the bottled wines come from their own vineyards. The winery produces white wines mainly by the sur lie method, red wines by the classic method in open vats. The wines are bottled between the tenth and fourteenth month of barrel ageing. The price range for sales from the cellar is between CZK 157 and CZK 340 per bottle. The wines are also available in selected wine shops and catering outlets. Guided tastings are available by arrangement for groups of up to twenty people. In the future, the Herzáns want to reach an area of six hectares of their own vineyards. They know very well that to maintain quality, this area is the maximum for their family winery. The winery's motto is "Purely with nature".

Basic characteristics of wine

Frankovka is a very old variety which probably originates from Austria, but it is said that it may come from Germany, France or Slovenia. In our country it is grown exclusively in Moravia, the most widespread is in Velkopavlovice and Slovácko, but the best Frankovka comes from Mikulov region.

Wine profile
