Statistics and facts


According to the results of the ÚKZÚZ registration, the area of vineyards representing the current production potential of the Czech Republic is 18.1 thousand. The other areas represent grubbed-up vineyards, replanting rights and the state reserve.

Current production potential of the Czech Republic - situation as at 31 December 2023 (Source: ÚKZÚZ, Register of vineyards)

Planted area under vines 17 734,893 ha
areas of grubbed-up vineyards 105,434 ha
permits for new planting 161,665 ha
permits for replanting 69,334 ha
total production potential 18 071.326 ha

Of the total 17 734,893 ha of planted vineyard area, two thirds are white must varieties, one third of blue cider and a negligible 1 % of table and rootstock varieties.

Structure of vineyard area by category - situation as at 31.12.2023(Source: ÚKZÚZ, Register of vineyards)

Variety categories area (ha)
white musts 12 966,26
blue must 4 733,92
table and foot vines 34,72
Total 17 734,90

According to the CSO, approximately 76 976 tonnes of grapes were harvested in 2023 at an average yield of 4.73 t/ha.

W ciągu ostatnich trzech lat produkcja wina w Czechach wynosiła około 548 tys. hl rocznie. Z całkowitej produkcji wina w Czechach około 3/4 stanowią wina białe, a 1/4 wina czerwone.

The number of wine-growing municipalities, vineyard tracks, growers and the area of registered vineyards with regard to the subdivision by wine-growing sub-regions according to Act 321/2004 Coll.

Wine sub-region Number of winegrowers Municipalities Number of vineyards Number of growers Area of planted vineyards (ha)
Bohemia region
Mělnická 40 89 97 344,64
Litoměřická 35 82 49 340,23
Other 51 26,77
Total Bohemia 75 171 197 711,64
Moravia region
Mikulovská 30 185 1 789 4 887,93
Slovácká 118 418 5 746 4 077,11
Velkopavlovická 70 321 5 156 4 598,33
Znojemská 90 218 832 3 075,74
Other 55 9,26
Total Moravia 308 1 142 13 578 17 529
Total Czech Republic 383 1 313 13 775 17 360,01

Number of wine-growing municipalities, growers, the most widespread grape varieties and the area of registered vineyards with regard to the subdivision by wine-growing sub-regions according to Act 321/2004 Coll.

Region/Sub-region Total planted vineyards (ha) % of total vineyard area Number of growers Top five cultivated varieties (by ha)
Morava/Mikulovská 4 992,14 28 1 819

Riesling: 641,28 ha

Grüner Veltliner: 394,26 ha

Riesling: 377,67 ha

Pálava: 355,98 ha

Chardonnay: 349,18 ha

Moravia/Slovakia 4 194,74 24 5 900

Riesling: 386,00 ha

Müller Thurgau: 319,68 ha

Chardonnay: 309,50 ha

Pinot Gris: 289,82 ha

Pinot Blanc: 282,28 ha

Moravia/Velkopavlovicka 4 685,86 26 5 269

Green Veltliner: 465,80 ha

Müller Thurgau: 332,27 ha

Frankincense: 329.09 ha

St. Lawrence: 260.35 ha

Pinot Gris: 241.80 ha

Moravia/Znojemská 3 143,22 18 850

Grüner Veltliner: 367,45 ha

Riesling 281,84 ha

Müller Thurgau: 250,84 ha

Sauvignon: 243,09 ha

Red Traminer: 177,93 ha

Bohemia/Mělnická 344,95 2 94

Riesling: 51,93 ha

Pinot Noir: 48,14 ha

Müller Thurgau: 38,25 ha

Pinot Blanc: 23,21 ha

Pinot Noir: 23,00 ha

Bohemia/Litoměřická 339,02 2 53

Müller Thurgau: 75,03 ha

Pinot Noir: 35,65 ha

Riesling: 34,00 ha

St. Lawrence: 32.37 ha

Pinot Gris: 27,58 ha

Varietal composition of registered vineyards in the Czech Republic as of 31.12.2019

Variety Synonym Abbreviation Total (ha) % of total area
Grüner Veltliner Grüner Veltliner VZ 1 676,87 9,22
Müller Thurgau Rivaner MT 1 458,44 8,02
St. Lawrence Saint Laurent St 1 012,07 5,56
Riesling Rheinriesling, Riesling RR 1 359,15 7,47
Riesling Walrus Welschriezling, Welschriesling RV 1 182,41 6,5
Frankincense Lemberger, Blaufrankisch Fr 1 055,81 5,8
Sauvignon Sauvignon blanc Sg 972,43 5,35
Zweigeltrebe Zw 745,35 4,1
Pinot Blanc Pinot blanc RB 793,19 4,36
Chardonnay Ch 973,34 5,35
Pinot Gris Pinot gris 1 013,95 5,57
Pinot noir Pinot noir RM 724,52 3,98
Blue Portugal Blauer Portugieser, Portugieser Blau MP 548,12 3,01
Red Tramin Traminer, Gewürztraminer TC 699,90 3,85
Muscat of Moravia MOPR MM 456,98 2,51
Neuburg Neuburger Ng 281,57 1,55
Pálava Pa 653,94 3,6
André An 198,85 1,09
Cabernet Sauvignon CS 222,54 1,22
Early Veltliner red Malvasier, Malvasia, Malvasie HR 150,13 0,83
Cabernet Moravia CM 192,13 1,06
Other whites - 274,38 1,51
Sylvanian green Sylvanian, Grüner Silvaner SZ 171,85 0,94
Dornfelder Dr 161,04 0,89
Merlot Me 134,03 0,74
Irsai Oliver IO 103,74 0,57
Hibernal Hi 341,76 1,88
Muscat Ottonel Muscat Ottonel MO 55,57 0,31
Aurelius Au 44,3 0,24
Kerner Ke 67,39 0,37
Other blue - 37,74 0,21
Neronet No 36,62 0,2
Alibernet Al 26,33 0,14
Devin De 30,96 0,17
Solaris 121,1 0,67
Johanniter 26,74 0,15
Blauburger 10,2 0,06
Regent 12,13 0,07
Laurot La 5,26 0,03
Fratava Ft 6,73 0,04
Agni Ag 5,57 0,03
Roesler 8,4 0,05
Rubinet Ru 2,87 0,02
Cabernet Cortis 24,05 0,13
Ariana Ar 2,95 0,02
Sevar Se 4,52 0,02
