Trutnov Wine Festival

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About event

The 15th year of the festivities will take place on Saturday 25 May in the historic Trutnov Town Hall and in the arcade of Krakonoš Square. A wine tasting of 18 winemakers will take place from 10.00 to 16.00 accompanied by dulcimer music. From 16.00 local bands will play, dancing and tasting of the best wines.
  • Date
    25. květen 2019
  • City
  • Place description
    Krakonošovo náměstí, radnice


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The 15th year of the TRUTNOV WINE CELEBRATION will take place on 25.5.2019 in the premises of the historic Trutnov Town Hall and the arcade of Krakonoš Square.
The start of the TVS is from 10 am, when wine tasting will take place at 18 winemakers until 4 pm. During the tasting, a dulcimer band will be playing. From 4pm onwards, local bands will play and there will be dancing and tasting of the best wines. The event ends at approximately 24 hours.

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