K Nechorám to the cellar for young wine

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Nechora winemakers will offer their wines for tasting from 10.00 to 19.00. In the morning, a transport bus - the Nechorsky Express - will leave from the surrounding villages. Free tasting not only of young wines in 23 cellars, music and competitions. We recommend buying discounted tickets in the online presale at www.nechorstivinari.cz.
  • Date
    23. listopad 2019
  • City
  • Place description
    Nechory - vesnička vinných sklepů


Další popis

The members of the Association of Nechor winemakers invite you for the fifth time in 2019 in the autumn season to Nechor, where they will open their wine cellars for you and offer for tasting especially, but not only, their young wines. The cellars will be open in all weather conditions and you will find the facilities in a large tent in the centre of Dolní Nechory. In the morning, the Nechorsky express bus will travel to Nechory along three routes. From Hodonín from the Panon Hotel, via the train station and Dolní Bojanovice. From the train station Breclav via Hrušky and Moravská Nová Ves. And from Velké Bílovice via Moravský Žižkov.
The cultural programme with music and competitions will start later in the afternoon.
The ticket includes coupons for the purchase of wine, a coupon for hot soup, a guide with a map, a pen, a wrist strap, a glass and a handy pouch.
Tickets will be sold on site at the Municipal Cellar in the centre of Dolní Nechory. The box office will be open on Friday from 7:00 to 8:30 pm and on Saturday from 9:45 am. Wine sales will also be available in the cellars on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
We hope that the cellar alleys of Nechora will once again attract you to visit and that local winemakers will appeal to you with their wines. You can also use this opportunity to buy wine for the Christmas and New Year's table or as a gift for your loved ones.
Leave the pre-Christmas rush at home and come to us to soak up the festive atmosphere and a sip of health for the New Year. Our ancestors knew that whoever drinks wine is healthy and not sick. That is why our cellar village is called Nechory!
Current information is gradually published on our website, you will find a rich photo gallery and videos from previous years.


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