Retro Vintage and Grape Picking Championship

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About event

Traditional unique wine event of its kind in retro style. Wear your monteras, aprons, radios and scarves like the administrative brigadiers of the 50s-60s and go picking in the vineyard! RETRO VINE PICKING is all about fun. Advance reservations required (reservations available starting in about August).
  • Date
    21. září 2019
  • City
  • Place description
    Vinařská 407 (areál vinařství CHÂTEAU VALTICE - Vinné sklepy Valtice, a.s.)


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The unique and probably the only event of its kind will start with a big strike brigade in retro style. Members of the competing teams will set off to the vineyard in open tractor-drawn wagons, singing builder's songs and fortified with bourbon. The World Harvesting Championships will get into full swing after practice warm-up rounds and a stylish bucket lunch. Advance booking required (bookings possible from approx. August to 13 September 2019) also to ensure working tools (buckets, scissors) are provided. Your own scissors or knife welcome.

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