Mineral wines from the Pálava region

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About event

On Thursday 5 September from 6.30 pm we will taste a selection of the best white refreshing wines from Bavaria, Perná and Dolní Dunajovice. The Pálava limestone hills give the wines a wonderful mineral character that we otherwise admire in the best Austrian wines. At least 10 samples.
  • Date
    September 5, 2019
  • City
  • Place description
    Vino-thé-ka, Pernštýnská 40


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Price 269 CZK including refreshments (bread, cheese).
Spaces are limited, so we reserve the place only after paying the participation fee - either directly in the Vino-thé-ce or to the account No. 2600335516/2010 (please write your name in the message to the recipient).

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