Introduction to tasting

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About event

The course is designed for wine lovers, but also for people who work with wine on a daily basis. Participants of the course will gain a broader horizon and orientation in practical wine tasting, learn to recognize the basic tastes and aromas of wine, including the most common diseases and defects of wine.
  • Date
    24. únor 2022 - 25. únor 2022
  • City
  • Place description
    Mendelova univerzita v Brně (Brno, Valtice)


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Theoretical part Sensory evaluation of wines Diseases and defects in wines Practical part Introduction to basic tastes - 7 samples Comparative test of the ability to distinguish basic tastes - 8 samples Test of the ability to discriminate the intensity of flavours by means of a sequential test - 2 series of five samples of vine wines Test of the discriminating power of organoleptic characteristics by triangular test - 4 series of three samples of vine wines Test to determine increasing intensity of colour - 2 * 10 samples Odour description test 15-20 samples of model aromas and flavours Declaration test - classification of vine wines according to the declaration submitted, description and comparison of their characteristics and shortcomings. The course will be held in a small group of up to 20 participants. In the course you will get to know yourself in terms of the sensory characteristics you have. You will practically test your sight, smell and taste. This course can serve as a preparation for the Training and Selection of Selected Assessors for Sensory Analysis according to ISO 8586-1 (the so-called Basic Sensory Test or First Level Test) and also for the Training and Selection of Specialist Assessors for Sensory Analysis of Wines according to ISO 8586-2 - the so-called Second Level Test. Second day visit to the National Wine Salon in Valtice: programme A1 - free tasting

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