Ivan Mládek and Banjo Band (CZ)
Lyricist, composer, artist and entertainer in one person
Czech musical group led by Ivan Mládek, who founded it in the late 1960s. The band was always large and richly instrumented, with various string, wind and percussion instruments, even exotic ones. Genre-wise, it straddles the boundaries of country, tramp, jazz (or Dixieland), brass band and pseudo-Lydian music. He plays his own songs, mostly from Mládek's workshop.
Among the greatest hits of the Banjo Band are the songs Jožin z bažin (also popular in Poland), Prachovské skály, Jez, Zkratky, Znojmo, vidím te dvojmo, Hlásná Třebáň je krásná, Dáša Nováková or My máme chaloupku v Blatná.