Pruning the vines

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About event

In the course you will gain confidence and courage not to be afraid to cut into the vine. You will learn a lot of information about vine pruning and in the practical part you will try and master this skill.
  • Date
    24. leden 2025
  • City
  • Place description
    Mendelova univerzita v Brně


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The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the basic styles of vine management and with the current common way of pruning vines and practically in the vineyard.

The course will give you the basic skills and practical knowledge of vine pruning. You will gain the confidence and courage not to be afraid to cut into the vines and the knowledge of what will happen in the coming year. The theoretical teaching will be conveniently combined with practical cutting demonstrations right in the vineyard about 500 meters away from the teaching room. Graduates should master the so-called Guyot cut (i.e. the cut on the fertile drag and the stock plug) on the most common guiding system today, i.e. the central Rhine-Hessian guiding system with a horizontally balanced drag.

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