Wine harvest in Tupes

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About event

We invite you to the traditional wine festival in Tupes. You will taste the wines of local winemakers and winemakers from the villages of Uherské Hradiště. You will also taste wines from the Strážnice, Kyjov, Boršicko and Mikulov regions. From 17:00 CM Olšava Tomáš Zubr will play, refreshments provided. Possibility to buy quality foreign cheeses. 29.3.2025 from 14h.
  • Date
    29. březen 2025 14:00
  • City
  • Place description
    zělocvična základní školy


Další popis

We invite you to the 33rd year of the traditional wine basket in Tupes. You will taste the wines of local winemakers and winemakers of the Uherské Hradiště region. You will also taste wines from the Strážnice, Kyjov, Boršicko and Mikulov regions. From 17:00 CM Olšava Tomáš Zubr will play, refreshments provided. It will also be possible to buy quality foreign cheeses from the company "U Mlsného Kocoura" from Uherské Hradiště. We look forward to seeing you on 29.3.2025 from 14h.

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