Wines from the Czech Republic, Central Europe’s best kept secret

In the southeast corner of today's Czech Republic lies a very special terroir that has been producing high quality wines for millennia.  Sharing a border with Lower Austria (one of the world’s top wine producing regions) South Moravia is responsible for 96% of the Czech Republic's wine production in a region about the size of Alsace, France. Moravian wines are wonderful and rare, currently winning acclaim and awards from around the globe. See the 2013 world-wide success of Moravian winemakers below.

Moravian wines have held a notable place throughout history.  These wines were served in European royal courts during the Hapsburg dynasty and Napoleon Bonaparte sent Moravian wine to Paris after winning the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 on lands now occupied by one of our partner winemakers.  The Czech people have been keeping their wines a secret as they are only able to meet 65% of the country's demand… but we have been able to make special arrangements to bring some of these wines to the USA.

Results of Moravian winemakers in abroad in 2013

USA and Canada

The Finger Lakes International Wine Competition is one of the biggest wine competitions in the US. The Best of Show in Ice Wine winner of 2013 was Moravian! Moravian winemakers collected an additional 38 medals: 1Double-Gold, 2 Gold, 13 Silver and 22 Bronze medals and the Czech Republic was the only country honored with a standing ovation during the entire show!

The San Francisco International Wine Competition is probably the best known wine competition in the US. Moravian winemakers have attend the competition for several years and in 2013 collected 1 Double-Gold medal, 1 Gold, 27 Silver and 47 Bronze medals.

During the Sélections Mondiales des Vins , under the high patronage of the International Organization of the Vine and Wine in Quebec, Canada, Moravian wines won 10 Gold and 7 Silver medals!


Vins de Terroir (France, February): 1 Gold medal in Labeling and 4 Silver medals for only 2 attending wineries from the Czech Republic.

Vinalies Internationales (France, March): 5 Gold and 23 Silver medals. This competition is one of the top 3 best wine competitions world-wide.

Chardonnay du Monde (France, March): Top world-wide wine competition with a special focus on Chardonnay. There were only three chardonnays in the top 10 wines, two from France and one from Moravia! Moravia has medaled in Chardonnay in the top 10 for the past 3 consecutive years.

Concours International des Vins de Gastronomie ™ (France, April) 1 Gold Star and 1 Silver Star (only two Moravian wines were entered in the competition).

Femmes et Vins du Monde (France, April) Women and Wine of the World, 6 Gold and 5 Silver medals.

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (Slovakia, May): 7 Gold and 18 Silver medals for Moravian winemakers.

WEINPARADE POYSDORF (Austria, May): 97 Gold and 176 Silver medals!

Muvina (Slovakia, June) Under the high patronage of the International Organization of the Vine and Wine: 2 competition Champions and 50 Gold medals.

Decanter World Wine Awards (London, Sep): 5 Silver, 42 Bronze medals and 53 honors.

MUNDUS VINI (Germany, Sep): One of the most challenging wine competition world-wide. Moravian’s won 4 Gold and 4 Silver medals.

AWC Vienna (Austria, August): 30 Gold, 152 Silver medals and 122 honors.

Na zdraví! (to your health)

Author: Klub Sommeliérů, Moravian wines exporter to USA,,,
Keywords: Czech Republic, Moravia, wine, competition, export, Vino z Czech, Klub Sommelieru, Czech Wine Imports, 2013