Educational Wine Trail of Stará Hora

Characteristics of the trail
Length of the cycle track: 37 km
Length of the Stará hora educational trail: 3.5 km
The terrain of the Stará Hora wine educational trail is a part of the cyclo-tourist circuit of “Stará Hora”, which commences in Mikulov and crosses the wine villages in the southern part of the Mikulov wine sub-region. The educational trail is open all year round in the vineyards of the Marcinčák winery in Novosedly.

The Stará Hora bicycle cuircuit starts out in Mikulov and heads through Bavory, Dolní Dunajovice and Brod nad Dyjí to the Stará Hora vineyards in Novosedly, where you find the accompanying educational-trail panel, which gives a description of grape varieties right in the spot where they grow. From here the cycle track continues on to Dobré Pole and Březí before returning to Mikulov. On the trail the tourist can inspect the vineyards below the hill of Pálava, may visit a winery en route and become closer acquainted with the picturesque wine landscape of Mikulov. A visit to the Stará Hora educational trail awaits you in Novosedly along with the possibility of visiting the Marcinčák winery, or else perhaps the Kovacs winery, where you can witness the production of wine and taste the superb wines any time of year.

The educational wine trail of Stará Hora
The track of this educational trail leads through the vineyards in the wine locality of Stará Hora, which is the hill in the not-too-distant village of Novosedly from the top of which there is a magnificent view over the landscape below the Pálava hills. The total length of the circuit of this educational trail is 3.5 kilometres. A total of 11 information panels are placed in the vineyards. These contain information on interesting points from history and the current cultivation of grapes in the traditional wine community of Novosedly, the description of varieties grown in the vineyards, details on wineries, vini-viticulture, the wine laws and also on how to taste wine properly.

More on the Stará Hora educational wine trail in Novosedly can be found on: