Advantages for certified facilities and information for applicants for certification

certification fig3A person authorised in writing by the National Wine Centre assesses the fulfilment of the certification criteria of the applicant. The subsequent awarding of certificates will be definitively decided by the collegium of assessors who will pass the final verdict. This will contain the reasons behind any denial in awarding a certificate and, if need be, recommendations for the elimination of such shortcomings.

Successfully certified facilities receive the following advantages:

  • Above-average highlighting of the certified facility on the websites:,,, in the directories of wineries, wine cellars and wine shops, in the section “Wine and tourism” and on the interactive map.
  • Distribution of individual flyers containing information of certification at wine fairs, vinous and other events organised by the National Wine Centre, the Wine Fund of the Czech Republic or the Nadace Partnerství foundation.
  • Highlighting the registration of certified facilities in the promotional material – such as the tourist guides “The best in wine tourism in Moravia” and “The best in wine tourism in Bohemia”, which actually contain a passage dedicated to certification.
  • Certified facilites will be regarded as an elite subject in wine tourism. The National Wine Centre as well as the Nadace Partnerství foundation will give these subjects priority when organising journalists to take part in press trips.
  • Certifed subjects will be preferentially promoted in the media by the implementers of the project.
  • Facilities will be given enamel signs bearing the logo “Wines of Moravia” or “Wines of Bohemia” with the following inscription in both Czech and English: “Certification of Wine Tourism” (the sign must be displayed visibly on the outside of the certified facility).
  • Parties interested in certification can request more information by e-mail to: