Přemysl Popp got the foundation of the wine "school" from his grandfather in Dobšice. In 1990 he started to produce wine himself and in 2008 he founded his own winery and managed to become a professional sommelier. The production is dominated by white and rosé wines and clarets. The wines are marketed young and fresh. In the cellar street in Šatov, the Popp family built a guesthouse with a wine bar above the cellar. In the historic cellar labyrinth, a large company can sit down for a tasting. The wines are sold mainly from the cellar.
Sauvignon belongs among the most popular three white wines together with the Chardonnay and Riesling varieties. It is assumed that it comes from the French region of Bordeaux or from the Loire region. The most typical Sauvignons can be found in the Znojmo or Mikulov region.