If you like to sit with a glass of good wine in a picturesque classic cellar, do not hesitate to visit us in our cellar in South Moravia near Kyjov in the village of Vlkoš. The cellar is located in a beautiful cellar alley. Come and have fun with your friends, celebrate an important event or birthday. We welcome everyone who wants to have fun and spend time with the fruits of South Moravia. Our winery and picturesque cellar is located approximately 1 km from the village of Vlkoš near Kyjov. The cellar is situated in a beautiful cellar alley "vlkošská bůdy". WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU!
Sauvignon belongs among the most popular three white wines together with the Chardonnay and Riesling varieties. It is assumed that it comes from the French region of Bordeaux or from the Loire region. The most typical Sauvignons can be found in the Znojmo or Mikulov region.