VINAŘSTVÍ ŠABATA s.r.o. is a terroir winery producing appellation wines, which are born exclusively in the vineyards around Přítlucká hora. With their precise winemaking craft, the Šabata winemakers put their original handwriting into every bottle produced. Year-round, they allow wine lovers to experience tasting and discovery programs with a varied selection of over 50 lots of wine available for purchase. For longer stays, they offer the option of staying in a modern guesthouse that is part of the wine estate.
Pálava was cultivated by Ing. Josef Veverka by crossing the varieties Gewürztraminer and Müller Thurgau. Probably the best results are achieved mainly in the Mikulov subregion, in the vicinity of the municipalities of Perná, Pavlov or Bulhary, then in Lechovice, Popice or Čejkovice. Pálava is often automatically perceived as a sweet wine, i.e. with a higher residual sugar but this is not always the rule. In the dry version we discover the charm and beauty of this variety.