In a month we will be opening Saint Martin's wines from the 2013 vintage

On Monday 11th November we will finally be able to toast the young Saint Martin's wines and so the celebrations will commence for all lovers of Czech and Moravian wines, for the ninth time. The popularity of Saint Martin's wines dates back to 2005 when the Wine Fund revived the old tradition, which is still on the up. Each year sees a rise in the amount of Saint Martin's wines placed on the Czech market by Moravian winemakers. According to information from the Wine Fund this year's production is expected to touch 2.2 million bottles. The innovation for 2013 is the inclusion of the Zweigeltrebe grape variety for the production of rosé wines and a more demanding evaluation system.

The interest of producers in selling young Moravian and Czech wines under the Saint Martin's banner rises every year. When the brand name was introduced in 2005 only 36 wineries signed up to the project. In 2012 a total of 122 wineries produced wine with the Saint Martin's logo. This year too we are recording growth: up to now 127 wineries have signed up. The Wine Fund is also expecting a rise in the amount of wine produced. The initial predictions based on the potential and interest of the wineries so far registered are now approaching 2 200 000 bottles of Saint Martin's wine.

Regarding the proportions of white, rosé and red Saint Martin's wines, this has settled during the years to an equilibrium, meaning around 1/3rd white, 1/3rd rosé and 1/3rd red. As to grape varieties we expect the greatest representation to come from Müller Thurgau in white, in rosé Saint Laurent and Blauer Portugieser in red. We also anticipate a mild growth in the number of rosé wines compared to last year.

Zweigeltrebe rosé

This year's novelty is the recognition of rosé wines coming from the Zweigeltrebe as being an appropriate variety for the production of Saint Martin's wines.

"In former years it has been shown that by managing all phases of grape cultivation and wine production appropriately it is perfectly possible to prepare Zweigeltrebe rosé in time for it to be of sufficient quality to go on the market by 11th November. Since our consumers are used to our winemakers offering a wide range of varieties, we are confident that the addition of Zweigeltrebe rosé to the list of Saint Martin's wines will be much appreciated," said Jaroslav Machovec, director of the Wine Fund, commenting on the broadening of the permitted varieties for Saint Martin's wines.

Increasing the quality requirements

The second amendment this year is a more exacting evaluation of wines with the aim of further increasing the quality of Saint Martin's wines."Our winemakers know how to produce very good quality Saint Martin's wines. We have therefore decided to increase again the demands for their evaluation. The aim of our efforts is not just to produce sufficient quantity of Saint Martin's wines for all those of you who have, along with us, enjoyed the renewal of the tradition, but we would also like even better Saint Martin's wines from our winemakers to reach the stores, wine shops, as well as the gastronomic establishments in the whole country," said the director of the Wine Fund, Jaroslav Machovec. The Wine Fund, as the holder of the Saint Martin's trademark also follows with the rule brought into force last year, by which winemakers are responsible for supplying the Wine Fund with a sample of every wine that bears the Saint Martin's brand name. Retrospective checks may be carried out to see if the wine on the shelves really does conform to the qualitative and sensoric attributes that were evaluated when it was tasted and recognised as Saint Martin's wine.

Saint Martin's wines

Saint Martin's wines are the first wines from the new vintage. They are fresh and fruity wines that come of age just for a few weeks, but this period is sufficient to give them their distinctive character.

The "Saint Martin's" brand name can be worn by wines made from the following grape varieties:

· white wine – varieties: Müller-Thurgau, Frühroter Veltliner and Moravian Muscat with the following typical characteristics: pleasing, well-balanced, fresh, fruit-laden dry wine  

· rosé wine – varieties: Blauer Portugieser and Saint Laurent, Zweigeltrebe (this year for the first time) with the following typical characteristics: pleasing, highly quaffable fruity dry wine

· red wine – varieties: Blauer Portugieser and Saint Laurent, with the following typical characteristics: easy-drinking velvety dry wine that has undergone malolactic fermentation, possibly carbonic maceration

These varieties were chosen for the Saint Martin's brand since they ripen early in our conditions, while at the same time the grapes attain the required high quality. Among Saint Martin's wines one can find wines from a single variety as easily as those from a cuvée, which means a wine made from more than one grape variety.

"Saint Martin's wine by no means indicates every young wine which a winemaker manages to produce from the given grape varieties prior to 11th November. Saint Martin's wines first of all have to undergo a test by an independent committee which assesses whether the sensoric parameters of the wine correspond to the required characteristics," specified Pavel Krška, director of the National Wine Centre, which takes charge of the appraisal of Saint Martin's wines. Saint Martin's labelling may only be used by the Moravian and Czech wines that fulfil all the required criteria. This year the qualifying committees will be sitting on 24th and 31st October 2013. The wines authorised to wear the Saint Martin's logo will be made public subsequently on the

The traditional Saint Martin's launch organised by the Wine Fund takes place on 11th November from 11am in Brno's Náměstí Svobody square. The event attracts more visitors every year, but just as in preceding years the organiser can assure visitors there will be sufficient wine for all those who come to celebrate the feast of Saint Martin with a glass in hand. Dozens of other functions organised throughout the Czech Republic can also be found on the pages

The question which most interests winelovers is how will this year's grape harvest be."In view of the fact that the sun was distinctly lacking throughout most of September, the harvest began with a delay of 2–3 weeks," says Martin Půček, managing director of the Vintners‘ Union of the Czech Republic. "Grapes this year generally contain rather less sugar compared with previous years. The overall quality of this year's wines is difficult to predict at this time, but in general we can say that this will be a vintage of refreshing, light and pleasantly aromatic wines," he adds.

The autumn advertising campaign and new features

The Wine Fund has shown its support of the Saint Martin's Wine campaign with the title"Be prepared for the long winter evenings ". It features a couple who have stocked up with Saint Martin's wines for the long winter evenings to come. The intention is to show the consumer that Saint Martin's wines can be for a longer period than Saint Martin's day itself and the days following it. While Saint Martin's wines are not really suited for laying down, their consumption can be recommended right up to Easter time. The campaign begins in October and will take special advantage of billboards, broadcasting (nationwide as well as regional), internet, facebook and events.

The "Saint Martin's" brand name was registered in 1995 and since 2005 it has been the property of the Wine Fund. This institution, in conjuction with the National Wine Centre, is organising the promotion of these wines under a single logo for the ninth time. The "Saint Martin's" brand name can be used by all winemakers registered in the Czech Republic who fulfil every one of the highly demanding criteria.

For further information please contact:

Ing. Jaroslav Machovec, The Wine Fund of the Czech Republic


Tel: +420 606 645 470

Ing. Pavel Krška, National Wine Centre, o.p.s.


Tel: +420 519 352 072, +420 721 414 575

Ing. Martin Půček, Vintners‘ Union of the Czech Republic


Tel: +420 519 348 981, +420 606 743 231

Daniel Kříž, Omnimedia, s.r.o.


Tel: +420 221 419 220, +420 728 602 304