Small family winery of Radek Sedláček, which prides itself on a sensitive approach to grapes and wine. He takes care of the wine from planting to pouring into the glass. Some of the wine is aged in acacia and oak barrels. If the vintage permits, it uses the 'sur lie' method during production, whereby the wines are aged on fine yeast lees, giving them a full and voluptuous character and making them suitable for archiving. It produces around 17 000 bottles a year. The Sedláčků's red wines are certainly worth tasting, as they receive high awards at competitions and are popular with customers.
Merlot, čti „merló“, je významná odrůda pocházející z Francie, která je jednou z vůbec nejstarších odrůd na světě. U nás se pěstuje především na Moravě, nejvíce rozšířená je v Mikulovské a Slovácké podoblasti.