VINAŘSTVÍ ŠABATA s.r.o. is a terroir winery producing appellation wines, which are born exclusively in the vineyards around Přítlucká hora. With their precise winemaking craft, the Šabata winemakers put their original handwriting into every bottle produced. Year-round, they allow wine lovers to experience tasting and discovery programs with a varied selection of over 50 lots of wine available for purchase. For longer stays, they offer the option of staying in a modern guesthouse that is part of the wine estate.
Welschreisling is an old and highly prized variety of unknown origin. It is one of the most cultivated in our country (8.5% of the total area of vineyards). Excellent terroir for "Vlašák" is offered mainly by the Pálavské vrchy, Mikulov, Slovácko and Velkopavlovice subregions or the Šobes vineyard in the Znojmo region.